
Сообщения за апрель, 2017

He is not here

" He is not here - He rose again, as He said. Come, look at the place where the Lord lay " 📖 (Matthew 28: 6). The main thing in the historical Christian message is that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Many tried to destroy the hopes of Christianity, proving that Jesus did not really die, or His impatient disciples stole His body and gave Him away for the risen Savior. Yet Matthew's interruption between the last gasp and the first appearance says unconditionally about the death that occurred in fact, the grave was silent, and the situation was hopeless. The Romans were very careful in the execution of the death sentence, especially that relating to the traitors. The fact that Joseph managed to take the body of Jesus, says that the executioners were satisfied with their work. In the Old Testament it is mentioned that Jews slaughtered criminals with stones to death, in order to show that for some people life is finished even after death. The fact that a huge s...


To check the diamond for authenticity, jewelers often immerse it in a vessel of pure water, where a real diamond begins to sparkle in a special way. Forgery will not sparkle almost. When a false stone and a genuine diamond are put in the water next to, even with the naked eye you can see the differences between them. Even unbelievers often notice the difference between true Christians and those who profess faith in Christ only in words. As in the example with diamonds, there are noticeable differences in the "sparkling" of people, especially in the difficult times of their lives. Many rely on their faith until they encounter difficulties or disappointments. The way a person behaves in a difficult situation, clearly demonstrates whether his faith is alive or dead, whether it is true or false, whether it saves or not. Чтобы проверить бриллиант на подлинность, ювелиры зачастую погружают его в сосуд с чистой водой, где настоящий бриллиант начинает по-особому сверкать. По...

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own mind. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. 📖 (Proverbs of Solomon 3: 5-6)