The strength of the marriage. Сила Супружества

The strength of the marriage. Marriage is a covenant, prepared by God, created for our strengthening and blessing, and when the bond of the covenant honor, marriage has great power. The definition of marriage - one of the most talked about in recent times. Over the past century, the divorce rate has increased, and fertility decline is staggering. Many people were disappointed in marriage. If you're married or married, whether you want to strengthen your marriage? Or, perhaps you have not found the right person, but you are still worried about the marriage because of the high divorce rate. For a successful marriage required the dedication and hard work, but the rewards are great and it will affect not only you but also your generations. Building a strong marriage - is a daily decision. Make decisions to solve problems and disputes quickly, speak words of encouragement to each other - do not talk bad about each other. And finally, we are dedicated to the success of you...