
Life is a gift from God- Жизнь Это Подарок От Бога

Living maximum effective life O scar Wilde once said: "Life - this is a rare phenomenon in the world. Most people are familiar only to exist. " Life - it is a gift from God, given to us to live and enjoy it. Jesus is not to leave his heavenly home, he underwent suffering on the cross, and overthrew the forces of darkness that we simply exist. 📖 In John 10:10 says, "... I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." Too many people spend their lives looking for happiness, but the only source of true joy and fullness can be attained only through Jesus Christ and nowhere else. Bible - it is our map, in which the path to a full, satisfying life. It is the wisdom and principles that can save us from the clutches of despair and death, and put us on the path leading to fruitful life in abundance. All that is necessary for me and you to live the most effective life to achieve their full potential in God, to see how dreams become realit...


CALVARY "Everyone is my duty," "my shame and sin" - sung in this song. As long as I can remember, I always realized how great the gulf that separates the person who I am, of who I want to be. Due to the fact that Jesus did, I can stand up. But as I have always known that this is not the end. The song "Calvary" may tell another story connected with the words CS Lewis. It was he who said that "the seeds germinate in the dark." In my opinion, there is no better illustration of these words, than what happened on the cross. There - in the throes of separation from God - started a new life for all of us. How many times God has acted in this way! Remember the word that "His mercies never fail," they are new every morning »📖 (Lamentations 3: 22-23). These lines were written in the dark. Jerusalem lay in ruins and its people enslaved, and expelled. But God pacified his anger and show mercy, and out of darkness - in the midst of...

Cheerful and Healthy Spirit- Жизнерадостный и Здоровый Дух

Cheerful and Healthy Spirit "Weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ» 📖 (2 Cor 10: 4-5). So, what do you let your thoughts take hold, it has a huge impact on who you are now and what kind of person you will become. If you want your life flourished and prospered, you should start paying attention to what is happening in the life of your thoughts. Negative criticism, apathy, fear, resentment, and the like poison your life. This way, yielding to temptation, you become the path that leads to death. If you do not curb such thoughts, they can take root in your heart and hurt your future. 📖 James 1: 14-15 says, "But each one is tempted, drawn away, and enticed by his own lust; lust, having conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin brings forth death. " ...

Теория Альберта Эйнштейна о Боге


World peace- Мир во всем Мире

The world - is something that in one way or another, each seeks. The idea of ​​the world is in the state of satisfaction and peace of mind, security, freedom and social harmony. Surely you've heard the expression, "That glass is half full or half empty?" This is the way in which you can evaluate someone else's view of things. What do you see when you look in a glass? Do you focus on what you have, or what you have not? Your focus determines whether you will have peace in your heart or not. The Bible gives us clear guidance on how to find peace and to remain in it, as the Bible tells us that it can take away from us the world: How does anxiety is anxiety! Anxiety and worry are opposed to the inner world. When you feel anxious and worried because of something in your heart there is no peace. In fact, anxiety is a danger to health. 📖 Proverbs 12:25 says: "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it, but a good word makes it glad." The concern is due to th...

Do you believe that God - your Healer????

Do you believe that God - your Healer? So many people - especially Christians - live without this revelation. Many consider the disease a tool that God uses to teach us, or the consequence of sin, but if that were true, we would all be now sick and dying! This issue is well to study the example of Job. His friends were of different assumptions about why its share dropped all these misfortunes. One thought that Job's illness was his own fault - otherwise God would heal him. Another tried to convince him that the disease was God's will. None of this is true, when it comes to healing and God. there is "Jehovah-Rapha" Among his many names - the Lord who heals. 📖 Exodus 15:26 says, "... I am the Lord, your healer", therefore, is God's will for us - it's healing and fullness when nothing missing and nothing broken. Job refused to reduce their faith to the level of their life experiences, and instead he decided to stand firm on the fact who...

Life in Health & Fullness

Life in Health & Fullness God has provided us with all necessary for us to live in health and fullness. The Bible teaches that we are - this is the spirit, we have a soul and we live in the body. When we are born again, our spirit comes alive. At the same time our mind starts to measure the upgrade process on how we eat the Word of God. In turn, our body, or "flesh", must begin to interact with the Word of God, rather than compete with it. That's how we make our salvation in Christ 📖 (Philippians 2:12) - is a process, not an event; journey, not a destination. 📖 Luke 2:40 says that when Jesus came to earth and lived as a man, he was "strong in spirit" and 📖 in Hebrews 5: 8 says, that though He was a Son, through His suffering but learned obedience. No matter who you are or how many years you are already a Christian, sooner or later you have to face challenges and tests. But it is in such times you are discovering the power of his spirit and the he...