Life is a gift from God- Жизнь Это Подарок От Бога

Living maximum effective life O scar Wilde once said: "Life - this is a rare phenomenon in the world. Most people are familiar only to exist. " Life - it is a gift from God, given to us to live and enjoy it. Jesus is not to leave his heavenly home, he underwent suffering on the cross, and overthrew the forces of darkness that we simply exist. 📖 In John 10:10 says, "... I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." Too many people spend their lives looking for happiness, but the only source of true joy and fullness can be attained only through Jesus Christ and nowhere else. Bible - it is our map, in which the path to a full, satisfying life. It is the wisdom and principles that can save us from the clutches of despair and death, and put us on the path leading to fruitful life in abundance. All that is necessary for me and you to live the most effective life to achieve their full potential in God, to see how dreams become realit...