GET A GUIDE IN THE BIBLE Have you ever tried to do something very difficult, and at the same time there was no one around who could teach you this business? Perhaps you need a little help. Life can sometimes be very difficult. But God has provided us with the necessary support and training. Our assistance - in the Bible. The story of the One who loves you: Bible - is a love letter from our Creator. He loves you so much that He came to suffer and die so that you could live with Him forever. While the Bible may seem difficult, God has promised that His Holy Spirit will guide you and teach in all truth. He will reveal to you the important facts about God and about what it means - to follow Him. Do not think that the Bible - a book that can be understood only by specially trained people. Bible - for everyone on this earth. It is full of reflections on God Himself, for us, the people whom he loved from the moment of creation of the world 📖 (Eph 1: 4). What you'll find in t...