
Сообщения за февраль, 2017


GET A GUIDE IN THE BIBLE Have you ever tried to do something very difficult, and at the same time there was no one around who could teach you this business? Perhaps you need a little help. Life can sometimes be very difficult. But God has provided us with the necessary support and training. Our assistance - in the Bible. The story of the One who loves you: Bible - is a love letter from our Creator. He loves you so much that He came to suffer and die so that you could live with Him forever. While the Bible may seem difficult, God has promised that His Holy Spirit will guide you and teach in all truth. He will reveal to you the important facts about God and about what it means - to follow Him. Do not think that the Bible - a book that can be understood only by specially trained people. Bible - for everyone on this earth. It is full of reflections on God Himself, for us, the people whom he loved from the moment of creation of the world 📖 (Eph 1: 4). What you'll find in t...


He gave me wings. Now I can fly ..

1 Timothy 2: 9-10

Also, women should dress modestly and decently, respecting standards; Let them adorn themselves not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, and that should be dealt with women who have devoted themselves to God. 1 Timothy 2: 9-10 Также и женщинам следует одеваться скромно и пристойно, соблюдая приличия; пусть они украшают себя не плетением волос, золотом, жемчугом и дорогой одеждой, а добрыми делами, которыми и следует заниматься женщинам, посвятившим себя Богу.  1 Тимофею 2:9-10


Prayer Human. Our Father, .... God. Yes? Human. Do not interrupt me, I pray. God. But you called me. Charles called you? I did not call thee, I prayed. Our Father in heaven ... B. Well, again, you do it. C. What did? B. called me, you said: "Our Father who is in heaven. Here ya What do you wrong? C. But I do not want to say this. You know, so just said their daily prayers. I always pray. I feel that it is my duty, as it were. B. Good. Go on. Charles, hallowed be thy name ... B. Wait, what do you mean? C. What do you mean? B. Hallowed be thy name? Ch Nuu ... that means .. Ha! How do I know what that means? Just part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean? B. This means worthy, holy, wonderful. Part Aa, are now clear. I had never thought that this "holy". Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. B. Do you really want it? C. Of course, why not? B. What are you going to do? C. Do? Nothing, I guess. I ju...

three values

Существует три значения, используемые для описания главных характеристик Бога. Все они начинаются с все- (везде-), что значит «в наивысшей степени». Бог Всеведущ, Всемогущ и Вездесущ. Бог Всеведущий — Бог всезнающий. Он знает твои мысли, мотивы, Он лучше тебя знает, в чём ты нуждаешься. Нет ничего, что Он не может знать, видеть, или понимать. Бог знает всё. Всемогущество Бога означает, что Он может всё. Нет ничего больше или величественней, чем Сам Бог. Нет ничего, с чем Он не смог бы справиться. Бог достаточно силён, чтобы разрешить любую проблему в этом мире, включая те, в которых вы находитесь. Знайте, что Бог больше всего, через что вы проходите. Если вам кажется, что вы не сможете справиться с чем-либо, знайте, есть Всемогущий Бог, Который сможет. Бог также и Вездесущий, или «Он повсюду». Нет такого места, где Его нет, Он есть всегда и везде. Нет такого места, в которое не достигло бы Его присутствие. Каждый раз, когда ты чувствуешь одиночество, знай, что ты не одинок — Бо...

Lord Lord

Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord! O Lord! Does not the name we prophesied in thy? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. (Matthew 7: 21-23) Не всякий, говорящий Мне: "Господи! Господи!", войдет в Царство Небесное, но исполняющий волю Отца Моего Небесного. Многие скажут Мне в тот день: Господи! Господи! не от Твоего ли имени мы пророчествовали? и не Твоим ли именем бесов изгоняли? и не Твоим ли именем многие чудеса творили? И тогда объявлю им: Я никогда не знал вас; отойдите от Меня, делающие беззаконие. (От Матфея 7:21-23)

joy in the little things

Sometimes it's hard to see God, but when you pay attention and are looking for him, you will notice that He reveals Himself in different ways. One way through which God reveals Himself, are creations, as it is written in Romans 1:20 📖. Look how gorgeous this world - majestic mountains, vast oceans. So much beauty around us. This is God's handwriting, his imprint. God reveals Himself as and through our consciousness. 📖 In Romans 2:15 it says that we have an inner understanding of what is right and what is not. It is the voice of our heart and mind, and only we choose, listen to it or not. This is God's conduct of our lives. God as revealed in Jesus, whom he sent to us. 📖 In John 14: 9 Jesus said that someone saw him, he has seen the Father. Jesus - is the image of God, and we can know God through Him. So we can very clearly see God through His Word. The Bible reveals to us who God is and how he interacts with people. Through Scripture we see God's character and...

"Will rejoice over thee thy God» 📖 (Isaiah 62: 5).

"Will rejoice over thee thy God» 📖 (Isaiah 62: 5). You have realized that the joy - one of the main attributes of God Himself? Joy - an integral part of the character of the Creator. From all that creates, he takes pleasure, and all his works, we see creative! So what makes God exude joy? The answer will please you: it is you. That you make of our God rejoice! As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so happy about you is your God. You can even imagine to think you can not, how joyfully to God, that you come to Him! «Будет радоваться о тебе Бог твой» 📖 (Ис 62:5). Вы уже поняли, что радость — один из главных атрибутов Самого Бога? Радость — неотъемлемая часть характера Творца. От всего, что созидает, Он получает удовольствие, и во всех Его делах мы видим творческий подход! Так что же заставляет Бога источать радость? Ответ вас обрадует: это вы. Именно вы заставляете нашего Бога радоваться! Как жених радуется о невесте, так радуется о тебе Бог твой. В...

What does it mean to be lost? Что значит быть потерянным?

What does it mean to be lost? If you do not understand the meaning of Christmas, then it does not make sense to buy festive decorations, is to forget about the gifts, and it is not necessary to lay the Christmas table. Because if you do not know why we celebrate Christmas, the entire festival is meaningless. To understand what is Christmas, fast forward to the time when the cradle, wise men and shepherds, where Jesus explains the reason for His first coming to earth: "For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost» 📖 (Luke 19:10). In other words, Jesus came, because people are hopelessly lost without God. Getting lost spiritually means to be separated from God and totally overwhelmed. Everyone in the world, regardless of their wealth, power and glory, forever lost without Jesus. And our lostness us expensive. To better understand the coming of Jesus, let us consider in more detail what it means to be lost. Without God in our lives, we have lost: • Our direction...

Get to know their Creator.

Get to know their Creator. At this time of the year we have a lot of important things you need to do. We need to plan for holiday dishes and, of course, to buy gifts. But you have something else more important to focus on what you need this Christmas: on the development of personal and growing relationship with Jesus. Why do you need to know Jesus better? There are at least two important reasons. First, God created you. The Bible says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men »📖 (John 1: 1-4). You have the opportunity to meet not only with the Creator of the universe, and with your Creator. You have heard people say, "When in doubt, read the instructions." Jesus' Knowledge is even better. If you want to learn how to get the best out of your ...

Dear readership!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear brothers and sisters! I am very glad that you read my on blogs. I would like to know about any topics you would like to read ??? Since much of the material, I do not know what you are interested in Large Live! Big spaibo that you support me !! I want to remind you that you could write me pochtu - poltava190714@gmail.com I also have a channel on YouTube - Elizavete Leshko or write your needs in the comments, and we will pray for you! Blessed day!

God hears your prayers

God hears your prayers He wants to spend time and chat with you. In prayer, you speak to God. He knows you better and love more than any of your friends. He wants to spend time with you and communicate. God - more than a friend. He is the Lord Almighty. He can do a lot for you and know how best to help. To understand what pleases God, just look at Christ 📖 (Jn 1:18). When Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave them an example of prayer, which we know under the name of "Our Father" or "Lord's Prayer» 📖 (Matthew 6: 9-13). This is not some kind of magic formula for multiple repetitions to gain God's favor. But it gives us the key concepts for communication with God. Look at some of them: We begin with praise: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. We must approach God with great respect, while acknowledging that he - our loving Father. We are called to love God with his whole being. We praise Him and proclaim that his na...

The right person for marriage-ПОДХОДЯЩИЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК ДЛЯ БРАКА

The right person for marriage In the Book of Proverbs says: "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord» 📖 (Proverbs 18:22). In other words, for a man to find a good woman to marry - good. Please note that we are not talking about just to marry any woman, as a woman, so to speak, the right type. Can we say that such a life partner is the will of God for men looking for? Yes. In the Book of Proverbs also says, "A wise wife - from the Lord» 📖 (Proverbs 19:14). In other words, if you want the wife of God (God's will), get a reasonable woman a Christian (judgment and knows how to control himself). The same applies to search for her husband. This is just one of the qualities of a husband or wife to be a blessing from God. As you can see, the Bible focuses our attention on how to find a husband or wife of the correct type. That is what is God's will for you, if you are in search of. In this way, you get a blessing from God....


FOR HAPPINESS IN LIFE "And I hated life, because I was disgusted I business that is done under the sun; because everything - vanity and vexation of spirit »📖 (Ecclesiastes 2:17)! We expect that life will be better when we were 18 years old when we got married when we get a better job when we have a child, the second. Then we feel tired, so our children are growing slowly, and we think we will feel happy when they grow up. Then we say that our life will be better when we finally buy a bigger house and a better car, we can go on vacation, leave on retirement. It seems, is about to start a real life! But always in the way, there is one problem, one unfinished business, one outstanding debt that need urgent solution; and it was then that life will begin. And if we look closely, we see that these problems are endless. Of these, in fact, it is a life! "For what hath man of all his labor, and vexation of his heart, that he taketh under the sun? Because all his days - sorr...

Helping someone find God

Helping someone find God Wherever you are - share the gospel with others. Imagine that you have invented a simple cure for all cancers. Would you like to share it with all people? Of course. Mankind is suffering from a disease that is more serious than cancer. It's called sin and leads to endless death. But God in His mercy has provided for us a medicine: His Son, Jesus Christ. These need to share the wonderful news with all people. The last commandment of Jesus to his disciples was - to preach the Gospel and help people around the world become His followers 📖 (Acts 1: 8) Tell your story: We can begin to share the gospel with a friend, just tell me what happened to you. The Gospel of John tells how Jesus healed a blind man. Hostile religious leaders began asking questions about Jesus healed. The man, who miraculously regained vision, said: "All I know is that I was blind and now I see» 📖 (Jn 9:25). So start simply by telling their personal stories. Tell us how Je...


If you are a difficult choice In the third chapter of the book of Daniel we read about three men - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Together with Daniel, they were appointed to senior positions in the field of Babel 📖 (Dan 2:49). Due to its position, they are likely to enjoy the many benefits that are not available, not only Jews, but also the majority of the indigenous population. But the day came when the situation has changed. Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold and commanded all to bow to him. All subjects had to bow to that image, and whoever disobeys, was to be burnt in the fiery furnace. So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced a difficult choice: to obey the order of the king, thereby preserving their lives, good, post, and then, perhaps, to ask God for forgiveness, or remain obedient to His Word, refusing to bow down to this idol. 📖 In Daniel 3: 8-12 says that in the end they chose the second option. For this they brought to the king. The king was very an...

God has given into temptation HELP

God has given into temptation HELP There is a difference between temptation and sin. When you experience a temptation, you are distracted and feel like. You understand that you are attracted to a desire to steal something, criticize, gossip, or afford to do something that is not like God. Temptation comes when circumstances are an attractive possibility. At the time of temptation you like fish, looked at the bait. The subject of your desire such a brilliant and so attracted to him! Someone whispers to you: "You will be fine, it will give you relief, will solve all your problems is what you need." It's like you're sitting on a diet, but before you put the chocolate cake, which, as it itself invites you to taste it. You can walk around, looking at all sides, and if you do that, you allow temptation to penetrate deep into your thoughts. But until you take a bite, you'll still experience a temptation. When people are tempted, they use one of the most common e...

Obey wife Husbands

"Wives, be subject to their husbands, it is your duty to your Lord. Husbands, love the wives and do not be to cut them. Children, obey in all parents, because this pleases the Lord. Fathers, provoke not children, or they will become cowards." Colossians 3: 18-21 "Жены, повинуйтесь мужьям, это ваш долг перед Господом. Мужья, любите жен и не будьте с ними резки. Дети, во всем повинуйтесь родителям, ведь это приятно Господу. Отцы, не раздражайте детей, не то они станут малодушными."  Колоссянам 3:18-21

Right Spirit and obedience

Right Spirit and obedience Nowadays, "obedience" is not the most popular word. But the Bible 📖 in 1 Samuel 15:22 says that obedience is better than sacrifice. In other words, we can live sacrificial lives, giving a tithe, blessing the poor, etc., but the main question is this: you say you can do that? Do you teach? Many people do not like being told what to do. Some people live with this attitude or spirit that makes them unteachable. You can not teach a man with an arrogant spirit. You can not teach a man with the spirit of know-all. You can not teach a person who opposes to spirit. You can not teach the proud spirit ... but the humble in spirit can not be incapable of learning. For obedience is crucial condition of our spirit. Easy for you to do as you're told? Unfortunately, as a rule, the older you are, the more life experience stays with you for the shoulders or the more successful you reach, the more immune to the instructions you get. To you le...